13 Secret Lose Weight

The Reader's Digest recently published a series of lose weight secrets did not tell her diet after experts on how to take advantage of the gym and exercise for lose weight, and some of the habits and things that stand before we got to our ideal weight for you in the following points

Base 1:
Do not go to the gym in the following cases:
A - on an empty stomach
B - suffering a stomach cold
C - sleep only 4 hours
The reason: your body in the previous cases, is not ready to work and burn calories.
Rule 2:
If you find that the exercises carried out by the old and to no avail, and cannot afford a personal trainer for your own agreement with a group of friends to work exercises under the supervision of a special coach, it will cost less and increase your enthusiasm in the exercise.
Rule 3:
To burn more fat created studies that women who had engaged in exercises cycling for 20 minutes degree high speed lost their weight three times more than those who had engaged in this exercise for 40 minutes a slow speed and degree.
Base 4:
When you feel tired during workouts tried to encourage yourself yelling, it will increase your enthusiasm for exercise.
Base 5:
Stay away from junk food and fatty sauces and try searching for healthy alternatives.
Base 6:
Avoid the temptations of food while shopping, the hunger I felt moved away from the corner dedicated to providing food and try to silence your hunger snacks you can carry in your hand or wheat baked biscuits light cured.
Base 7:
Water to fight the feeling of hunger you may feel that your energy dropped in the afternoon, due to a combination of natural factors, such as fatigue or lack of iron work eating the body of water will bring you to recovery.
Base 8:
Resist addiction to cakes and sweets, repeat dealt with morning coffee cause you kind of addiction is difficult to resist later.
Base 9:
It may be sleeping better and cheaper way to treat obesity Few sleep working on lowering the hormone leptin (which helps you feel full) and an increase in the hormone ghrelin (which is called hunger).
Base 10:
Weight gain may be a genetic cause and this is what the scientists discovered recently, there are two types of genes that can cause obesity and studies show that 40% of them may cause diabetes and 60% of which may cause obesity.
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